Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Vintage Moments

My parents have been sorting through all their gears as they seek to de-clutter.
I offered to give my Mum a hand with a particular hall way cupboard and came home with these.....

The big wooden box was what my mum used as a sewing box for much of my childhood, it's an old display box used by travelling salesmen back in the day, the small carved wooden jewelery box probably originates from Indonesia (and although we're not sure, it was probably brought back to Holland by my late Opa S. on one of his trips there) and underneath is a large handkerchief or bandanna, on it is a map of The Netherlands surrounded by seals representing the provinces, a very Dutch item.

And this......

....is my favourite.

The cross stitch was done by my Mummy when she was pregnant with me and it's on linen.....love the colours. The jug, is part of my childhood. I always remember this sitting on a table in our house, so home it came.

A Mothers Day Meander

My 7th Mothers Day has been and gone!

Being a Mum is such a privileged and although you'll definitely hear me complain on the odd occasion, you just can't beat hearing:

"Mummy you're just the awesomest cook in the world"
"Awww Mummy I just love you so much"
"I missed you Mummy".

And all those extra hugs one gets as a mother....complete bonus material!

I sometimes fall into the trap of looking for outside praise or recognition for the "job" I do, but if I look a little closer to home I get that feedback on a day to day basis from the kids or my darling hubby.

Therefore.....My little (or large) goal for the rest of 2010 (and potentially the rest of my life) is to be content in my role and task at hand. To look for those little things in the day that are precious gems.

Here are a few pics of our Autumnal Meander on Mothers Day

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Time to get this Party Re-Started!

I feel a little shamed.
It has almost been a year(!!) since I last posted anything here.
WOW! how time flies....much too fast for my liking.
One of my new years resolutions is to post a little more regularly this year.
SO.....keep your eye out.....something new will be here soon.