Friday, April 13, 2007

Excuses Excuses


I haven't posted for ages!!
I have a raft of excuses
  1. I am busy knitting my first knitting project since I was like....12 years old (a nappy soaker)
  2. My husband (being a teacher) is home for the 2 week break at the end of Term1, so all normal routines kind of grind to a halt.
  3. My parents have been overseas and I have been helping to 'oversee' the younger siblings
  4. I bought a new quilting magazine and have had my nose buried in it.
  5. I have just finished reading Mozart's Sister and am trying to catch up with my hubby who is coming to the end of Of Course I Love You....Now Go To Your Room by Diane Levy
  6. My camera has died .....sob there are no interesting new pics (we will get one soon!)
  7. etc etc etc etc
But really, they're just excuses....
So here's my resolution to at least blog twice a week.....starting at the beginning of Term2

Till then............Live Life with Passion and Exuberance


Jess said...

Hey Lauz,
I have been so slack on the blog READING at the moment, it is hard enough WRITING!!!
Have you got any of the beads left?? E-mail me babe!
I am interested!
Love ya!

skatey katie said...

Live Life with Passion and Exuberance
love it. back atcha babe. mwah X

Rach said...

it's Tuesday........already......

Jen and family said...

hi i found your blog on Kates
another New Zealander cool
im in the beautiful Hawkes Bay
Diane Levy is really good
Jen at

oacemama said...

come on girl it is day two of term two...where'sw your post? huh? huh? ;)